Ubiquitous cross-contamination and nosocomial infections in hospitals made it clear that the re-use of masks and gowns was largely to blame. In addition to making it possible to dispose of potentially contaminated items, nonwovens provided effective barriers against bacteria; they were also better than linens for air-borne contamination reduction
Beyond the reasons already given, nonwoven fabrics will dominate this industry because nonwovens: Help mitigate the today-riskier medical environments due to drug-resistant bacteria, increases in numbers of blood-borne diseases, worsening viral threats, highly-polluted indoor/outdoor air, etc. Can be tailored to changing specifications Can meet increasing demands for more environmentally-responsible/friendly disposable products Have almost limitless applications for healthcare products: surgical gowns; bedding; dressings; surgical drapes; implantables like sutures, orthopedic & tissue structures, etc.